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  Entender cómo aprende un adulto Por Patricia Duque Patriduque@gmail.com Anestesiología y...

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

ESRA Madrid Cadaver Workshops. Kinesthetic and visual experience

We were very pleased to host you to the 26th R.A and 3rd Pain Cadaver workshop , which was organized at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Facultad de Medicina between May 25- 27, 2017.

International  regional anesthesia and pain management was a workshop where the innovation was discussed as usual, our basic knowledge was  reviewed, and all of us had the opportunity to update their knowledge as usual. 

The art of needle visualization. Dr Monre. UK. Madrid Cadaver Workshop
Dr. Carlos Salazar. Brachial plexus block. Spain. Madrid Cadaver workshop

We used Spin-Up learning system and We hope that this  innovative methodology of teaching provides to  participants will learn about different applications and training while returning to their homes.

Dr. Mario Fajardo, Dr Mortada Jubara, Dr- Ece Yamak and Dr. Carlos Yarnoz. Lumbar  spinal ultrasound. Madrid Cadaver Workshop

Dr. Christian Rothe. Inventor of Certa Catheter.Madrid Cadaver Workshop

In addition to being a workshop attended by important names from around the world, this workshop  also included that all students went through the work stations on several occasions, corrected their errors, brought up their concerns and our professional educator teached one by one.

Madrid Cadaver Workshop photo.May 2017

Regional Anesthesia and Pain management are two important areas of science that supplement and support each other. Acute and chronic pain at the workshop  where you met  our experienced educators who were dealt with at scientific meetings and activities. 

Profesor Tomad Domingo. Spinal anatomy. Madrid Cadaver Workshop 
Dr Luis Valdes. Alternative procederes for shoulder anesthesia.

Our workshop area was been an unforgettable process, as Madrid was one of the beautiful place of Spain and also allowed for social gatherings as well as workshop.
We would like to thank you to all educators, participants and also ESRA for their support in this organization.
Best regards,
Mario Fajardo, MD
Chair of Ultradissection Group.
Chair of ESRA Madrid Workshop

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